2014年11月1日 星期六

[看歌詞學英文]Lana Del Rey - West coast中文歌詞

West coast是另一首Lana紅一陣子的歌,West coast就是指美國西岸,主要指加州、奧勒岡州、華盛頓州,依Lana的寫作風格故事應該發生在加州,西岸曾是西班牙的殖民地,所以當地人種非常多元,社會風氣活潑開明,lana在這首歌裡混入了西班牙語,更顯得當地風情萬種,西岸也是美國街頭流行文化的發源地,穿著T恤牛仔褲的年輕人到處都是,跟東岸的溫文儒雅學院風比起來確實較為休閒開放,嘻哈文化也在此發跡,著名歌手為Snoop Dogg。而Lana迷魂的嗓音也在此首歌發揮得淋漓盡致,搭配背景的混音,編曲獨樹一格,真的值得回味。

看mv請點這裡:Lana Del Rey - West coast

1  Down on the West Coast they got a sayin'
2  "If you're not drinkin' then you're not playin'."
3  But you've got the music, you've got the music in you, don't you?

1(they got a sayin',sayin'為saying的縮寫,當做名詞,有名言的意思,整句話是西岸流傳一句名言)

3(you have got為現在完成式:have/has+過去分詞,大倪沒有認真學過文法,不過多看文章就可以知道用法,這裡有過去到現在並會持續下去的意思。get的三態為get-got-got(ten)就是"有"的意思,像是I got an idea!我有個想法)

4  Down on the West Coast I get this feeling like 

5  It all could happen that's why I'm leaving
6  You for the moment, you for the moment,
7  Boy Blue, yeah, you

4(跟上面一樣get是"有"的意思)(like當做"像是"很多外國人的口頭禪就是like,一直說it's like..it's like..,或放在句子中間:don't be so sad like everyone hates you.別苦著臉像大家都討厭你一樣)

5(It all could happen任何事都有可能發生)(that's why就是為什麼:you are so rude! that's why I hate you,我討厭你因為你很無禮!通常原因放在that's why前面,所以這裡leaving離開的原因是:任何事都有可能發生)
6.(接續前句leaving,for the moment一段時間)
7.(boy blue憂鬱男孩,blue有藍色、憂鬱的意思)

8  You're falling hard, I push away
9   I'm feelin' hot to the touch
10 You say you'll miss me the most, and I say I miss you so much
11 But something keeps me really quiet,
12  I'm alive I'm a lush
13 Your love, your love, your love

8(fall-fell-fallen請大家唸一百次吧!超常出現的考題,fall有下墜的意思,不管掉到哪裡就是有往下的形象在:fell down the stairs.跌下樓梯、I fell and got hurt!我跌倒而受傷了、The revenue fell from $100 to $10.營收跌至10元)

(push away 推開)
9(整句話的意思為:我慾火焚身享受著你的挑逗。feelin'=feeling,feeling..to..對..覺得..:I'm feeling bored to the show.我對這齣戲感到無聊)
11(keep something有保持原樣、保持相同狀態的意思:keep me warm.保持溫暖、keep you awake.保持清醒、drugs keep you high毒品讓你持續嗨)
12(alive為充滿活力的、有生氣的、活著的:my parents are still alive.我父母健在、I woke up and fell alive!我煥然一新地起床,歌詞裡為感受生命真實存在的意思)(lush這裡的意思為口語上的酒鬼alcoholic,另一個意思用在園藝是鬱鬱蒼蒼的意思,整句話的意思為沈醉在感受生命的真實)

14 I can see my baby swingin'
15 His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up
16 On the balcony and I'm singing
17 Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love

14(swingin'=swinging搖擺的樣子,swing有很多意思,但大致上晃來晃去或是有弧度的動作,通常會用到像是:swing the door想像門有弧度地關上、swing your arm甩動手臂。)


18 I can see my sweet boy swayin'

19 He's crazy y Cubano como yo, my love
20 On the balcony and I'm saying
21 Move baby, move baby, I'm in love
22 I'm in love (I'm in love)I'm in love (I'm in love)

18(swayin'=swating一樣是搖晃的意思:trees sway gently.樹隨風搖曳,也可當意志動搖:don't sway by his persuasion.別被他說服了)

19(y Cubano como yo這句是西班牙文,y=和,唸成"一"、Cubano=古巴,como=how,像是¿Come esta?最近好嗎,整句話的意思為:他古巴般似的熱情如火)

23 Down on the West Coast, they got their icons

24 Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigons
25 And you've got the music, you've got the music in you, don't you?

23(icon在這裡為偶像指標:Jolin is teens' icon.Jolin是年輕人的偶像,也可當圖像常在電腦中使用:click the icon.點選圖樣 )

24(silver starlets銀幕上的明星,silver這裡應指silver screen,是早期電影劇院使用的銀幕統稱,很有lana創作的風味。starlet通常指等待成名的C咖女演員)(Queens of Saigons西貢小姐,西貢小姐是一部音樂劇,描述越南女子與美軍的愛情故事,lana挪用此概念至歌詞,像是每個地域都有自己的故事,另外lana也很愛用Queens of +地名,像在off to the races就出現過queen of Coney Island、早期專輯歌名queen of the gas station等)

26 Down on the West Coast, they love their movies

27 Their golden gods, and rock and roll groupies
28 And you've got the music, you've got the music in you, don't you?

27(golden gods不知道是不是指在美國本土舉行的Golden Gods Awards一種搖滾音樂獎項,很多搖滾大咖都會出席)(groupies特指搖滾樂團的瘋狂女粉絲,比fan粉絲還要瘋狂而且追隨搖滾樂團)

29 You push it hard, I pull away, 

30 I'm feeling hotter than fire
31 I guess that no one ever really made me feel like a child
32 Te deseo, cariño, boy, it's you I desire
33 Your love, your love, your love

29(You push it hard, I pull away感覺是在形容纏綿悱惻的動作) 

30(出現了比較級hotter than,比較級很簡單就是adj+er than:I'm smarter than you.我比你聰明)
31(made me feel like a child,感覺像個小孩,make me..使我...常常會用到,之前FIR有一首歌叫做You make me want to fall in love不知道大家記不記得)
32(Te deseo, cariño為西班牙文:親愛的我渴望的意思=I wish affectionTe=我,看到西班牙文自此ñ要念成nio)(desire渴望:I desire to live in the U.K我渴望住在英國)

I can see my baby swingin'

His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up
On the balcony and I'm singing
Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swayin'
He's crazy y Cubano como yo, my love
On the balcony and I'm saying
Move baby, move baby, I'm in love

I can see my baby swingin'
His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up
On the balcony and I'm singing
Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love

I can see my sweet boy swayin'
He's crazy y Cubano como yo, my love
On the balcony and I'm saying
Move baby, move baby, I'm in loveI'm in loveI'm in love

順帶一提MV裡的男主角又是Mark Mahoney,大倪之前簡短介紹過一次:Mark Mahoney,真是太帥了<3




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